And while there is an actual “official” first day of winter, the winter solstice, it might not be when you think. After all, a common misconception is that winter starts after Thanksgiving. Most of the leaves have already left the trees, and people are starting to think “Christmas,” which is obviously synonymous with winter. Add that to the fact that around the beginning of December, meteorologists are already talking about “winter” temperatures and “winter” storms, so people are naturally believing that winter has, in fact, started. But did you know winter isn’t just a day, but it has an actual starting moment? It’s called the winter solstice, and we’ve got all the details on what that means as we get closer and closer to the coldest season of the year.

When is the first day of winter in 2022?

Winter begins on Wednesday, December 21, 2022—also known as the winter solstice.

What is a solstice?

When thinking about seasons, it is important to realize that there are solstices and equinoxes. An equinox is a day when daylight and night-time become equal, whereas a solstice is a day that is either the longest or shortest day of the year. So, the two equinoxes are in the spring and fall, while the two solstices occur during summer and winter. The Earth’s constantly changing position, relative to the sun, is why our seasons come and go throughout the year. A solstice develops from the sun reaching the absolute highest or lowest point, relative to our Equator.

What happens during the winter solstice?

Even though the “meteorological winter” in the Northern Hemisphere runs from the first of December until the last day of February, the actual moment of the winter solstice this year will be at 4:47 p.m. EST on Wednesday, December 21, 2022—kicking off “astronomical winter.” In general, the winter solstice is counted as the entire day, but it really is the exact moment when the sun seems to stand still directly overhead of the Tropic of Capricorn. Once the event is over, the sun will slowly pace itself north again, increasing our daylight hours as it does. So, at least that means every day will be getting brighter! Another way of thinking about all of this is that the solstice is a moment, recognized as a day, but felt for months.

How long is the shortest day of the year in 2022?

 The winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year, with just 8 hours and 46 minutes of daylight. 

Fun things to do during the winter solstice

During the solstice, it could be cold or snowy, or both, depending on where you live. A nice walk, or a day of sledding, could brighten up anyone’s day, even if that day is only 8 hours and 46 minutes long. Maybe it’s a bit dreary out and short on daylight, and let’s not overlook the fact that this year’s winter solstice is also on “Hump Day.” So, pick up a coffee and a sweet treat—maybe even with your bestie—and get a fresh start to the day that helps you roll on into Friday a bit easier, and enjoy a nice, early sunset. And if you are lucky enough, maybe you have the opportunity to join the hundreds of people who gather at Stonehenge to watch the sunset over the stones for the winter solstice. 

How long is the winter season in 2022?

Winter lasts for around 90 days in the northern hemisphere, and this winter season will last until Monday, March 20, 2023—the date of the next spring equinox. 

Signs of Spring

Now, the end of March is still very winter-like here in the Midwest, but tiny signs that spring is approaching are usually peeking through by then. Other than longer days and shorter nights, here is a list of sure-fire signs that spring is approaching:

Snow meltingRainFlowersSap flowingBugs (ugh!)Migrating birdsBabies (animals)

Next up, 125 best winter quotes!