Just because you’ll be connected merely by screens, however, doesn’t mean you and your friends and family can’t have a great time together! These virtual Christmas games will keep your holiday spirit and Christmas cheer up and leave you even more excited to see one another when it’s time. From virtual Christmas BINGO to virtual Christmas scavenger hunt ideas to Christmas trivia to quiz your loved ones, we’ve got you covered with the most fun Christmas virtual games for the whole family.

15 Virtual Christmas Games

1. Christmas song trivia

This free printable is a great set of brainteasers based on popular Christmas songs.

2. Name that Christmas tune

This video has 20 songs to guess (and you can find more like it all over YouTube). You can also make a Spotify playlist of your own to play for your loved ones over the video call.

3. Christmas song emoji quiz

Share this with your friends and guess together!

4. Play Christmas Scattergories

Use this free printable to make each other think and laugh.

5. Christmas trivia

We rounded up 50 fun questions and answers to stump your family and friends.

6. Christmas riddles

These 100 Christmas riddles will have you ha-ha-ha-ing throughout the holiday!

7. Christmas movie trivia

This will give you all an excuse to watch Christmas movies together: This Christmas movie trivia quiz isn’t the easiest!

8. Holiday storytime

Write two sentences to begin a holiday story, but don’t reveal those sentences to anyone else! Then assign everyone a number and have them write two lines each of their own (don’t tell them what it’s for until they’ve finished). When they’re done, read your two lines, then call the numbers in order to have them complete the story. Chances are, it will be hilarious!

9. Virtual Christmas BINGO

You can make your own virtual bingo cards using tools like Bingo Maker or Bingo Baker. You can add prizes like e-gift cards for the winners.

10. Holiday Would You Rather

Use Christmas-themed questions for a fun game of Would You Rather: Would you rather eat nothing but candy canes for a week or spend a week living in an actual gingerbread house? Would you rather be caught regifting by your in-laws or your boss? Would you rather listen to nothing but “All I Want for Christmas” for a month straight or “White Christmas” on a loop for two weeks?

11. Christmas movie quote trivia

Have your guests guess which beloved Christmas movie each quote is from. Bonus points go if they can also name the character! To help you start your quote list, check out our roundups of quotes from Elf, Love Actually, The Nightmare Before Christmas, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and more.

12. Christmas charades

Sure, Santa may be easy, but also add in other Christmas characters, like each of the reindeer (Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph), Mrs. Claus, elves, the Grinch, Buddy the Elf, Clark Griswold, and nativity figures (including the critters).

13. Christmas Last Letter Game

To play the Last Letter Game, one person will come up with a holiday theme, like Christmas foods, and say a word or phrase (for example, “gingerbread man”). The next person will have to come up with a word in the same theme beginning with the last letter of that phrase (i.e., “Nutella bites”).

14. Christmas Never Have I Ever

Add a holiday twist to the standard Never Have I Ever with things like, “Never have I ever drank so much eggnog I made myself ill,” “Never have I ever knocked over a Christmas tree,” “Never have I ever gone caroling,” “Never have I ever regifted,” etc.

15. Christmas Pictionary

Because trust us: Drawing eggnog isn’t easy, but it can sure be hilarious. Next, check out even more virtual Christmas ideas to make spirits bright!